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Our Services

Financial and Management Accounting

Accounting Outsourcing
Payroll Management

Payroll Outsourcing is making the use of external service providers for services of which typically are handled internally, on a regular basis. Payroll outsourcing allows you to hand over the responsibility for managing payroll maintenance and taxation risks to specialists with enough resources to monitor the situation and respond accordingly.
Payroll outsourcing is an affordable way to take away these burdens, because it is a time-saving and cost-effective alternative to internal payroll processing. Some of the payroll outsourcing services offered by us are as under:

  • Preparation of the monthly payroll based on the inputs received from organization. The same would include all statutory and other relevant deductions as required under the various labour laws.
  • Timely payment of all applicable statutory dues as deducted like Income Tax, Provident Fund, Professional Tax, etc.
  • Reconciliation of payments/statutory deductions etc. with books of accounts.
  • Issuing payment and reports to employees.
  • Filing of various returns under the labour laws including withholding (TDS) e-returns under the income tax law and preparation of withholding (TDS) certificates in Form 16 for the Employees.
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